
December 27, 2022

Community Engagement & Education

  Working in and for communities has got to be one of the best things we get to do at MAD. We partner with municipalities to offer ecological programming, often focused on wetland, stream, and watershed education. This year, we were able to host, present at, and participate in over 20 programs! We are thrilled that families enjoy learning about the ecosystems we’re so passionate about, and are lucky to have the trust of our local communities to support this type of work. If you’re interested in having our staff work with your organization, please contact Jenny Adkins, our Education Specialist.    
December 27, 2022

I.G.O.R. Events

MAD Scientist organized and “I.G.O.R. Team (aka Incredible Group of Recruits) to offer environmental education to citizen volunteers through workshops and webinars, clean-up and invasive species removal events, and native planting opportunities throughout Central Ohio. In 2022, we added more events to the calendar to increase engagement, totaling six events (two webinars, one litter clean-up events, and three invasive species management and planting events). We’re thankful for all our volunteers and hope to this symbiotic relationship with our local community as we roll into a new year.
December 27, 2022

Environmental Professionals Network Collaboration

In June, Jenny Adkins had the opportunity to help organize and speak at an EPN breakfast, alongside Cadine Navarro, Terry Hermsen, and Janice Glowski, about native prairie plants and the connection between the arts, sciences, action, and resiliency. This partnership was formed after a visit the Frank Museum (Otterbein University) to see Cadine’s exhibit titled “It Sounds Like Love,” which features nine native prairie plants and the artistic representation of the vibrational sounds their dormant seeds create. Intriguing stuff, right?! As an educator and botanist, Jenny quickly bonded with the group and has participated in several of the exhibit events. They decided to share this synergy with the community through The Ohio State University’s Environmental Professional’s Network. Here they asked participants to walk through the Alum […]
January 7, 2022
wetland workshop

Wetland Weekend in Westerville

Every May, we celebrate National Wetlands Month with what we’ve come to call, Wetland Weekend. We kick things off with a Frog Friday event in the evening were community members can explore the wetland after dark and hopefully see some amphibian activity. The next morning, we host the Wetland Workshop, which is another free event for the public. We teach attendees about the process of wetland restoration and the role we played in restoring the Highlands Park Wetland. We also lead hands-on exploration throughout the wetland and provide stations showcasing wetland wildlife, plants, hydric soils, and water quality improvement capabilities of wetlands. If you’re in the Westerville area come May, we’d love to see you for one of these programs!
September 21, 2020

GreenSpotLight Small Business Winner

MAD Scientist Associates has been recognized as the 2020 GreenSpotLight winner (small business category) for the City of Columbus! We are thrilled to share this honor with Ohio Health (large business) and E.P. Ferris & Associates a (medium business). The Columbus GreenSpot Program grants these awards to recognize companies that demonstrate excellence in sustainable business practices by going above and beyond the requirements of the program. We are honored to be selected and happy to participate in programs that help our city’s sustainability efforts! Examples of how we are committed to sustainability include: 1) Developing effective and impactful environmental restoration projects by choosing appropriate sites, minimizing earthwork and heavy equipment use, reapplying native soils, repurposing woody debris, and transplanting viable plants, using native plants and […]